Christmas lunch was at Au Petit Salut @ Dempsey Hill this afternoon. I was viewing some pictures from Christmas lunch last year. So much have chanced. People have come and gone and "Comedy Boss'" baby girl is now a cute little young lady. She is like an indication of how I have grew in this company because when I first came into the office, "Comedy Boss'" wife was in labour and the kid was born not long after I joined. Seeing her learn to walk then talk is like the growing up process for myself. After the very long lunch, "Comedy Boss" sent me an sms which was really touching. He has never spoken to me about any one in particular minus off those times when he was taking a piss at the guys' comments on my legs and shirts. I knew he wanted the best for me and he could see what I saw in this "legendary figure". I'm surprised he was secretly looking out and vetting for me. I must say the comments he sms-ed me, has an impact on me. I now know and can totally feel that he cared for me more than "just a baby of the office" but more like an elder brother looking out for me.
Driving round the country can be fun when the company is right. Inspiring conversations and reassuring looks are just part of the joy. Whether the silence was conveyed across as mere silence or distress due to the current awkward situation, the comforting touch from the warm fingers just seemed to announce that "everything is gonna be fine". There were no need for words. At least that was how I felt. 如果你想起我 你会想到什么 The fear of standing in amidst of a one way street and unsure what homecoming would be like in a month's time is more or less being eliminated to a firm yet shaky extent.
all i wanna do i do it for you
all i wanna do i do it for you
do it i do it for you
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