Friday, June 14, 2013

Second Chance

Tell my mother, tell my father I've done the best I can
To make them realize this is my life, I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

There are times in life when we have to make difficult decisions. They are difficult because apart from the fact that we all want our cake and eat it, regretting a decision has got to be the worst feeling in the world.

The thoughts of jumping from an absolutely comfortable and stable spot in the world and into that of the unknown, it is extremely disconcerting. But were we not born such? Exploring space and heights, learning from the pain and at the end of the day, what brings happiness?

It is in my nature or rather due to the education that I have received, my choices tend to be more rational. Emotions come a close second but nonetheless, in the back seat. In many situations, I find myself following the mind rather than the heart. I wouldn't say it's always the best decision but for the risk adverse person that I am, I would have picked the safer of all the given options.

To begin with, I have never bought any shares nor traded any goods. For crying out loud, I don't even have a CDP account. I haven't invested anything in my life in hopes of good returns. I make my money cent by cent and they sit in my savings account. I'm not a prudent person by nature and I have rather lavish expenditures but nothing could make me take more risk than buying lottery.

When the heart finally bled, it was like an abandoned child crying out for attention. The battle between the mind and the heart felt like everything is in a flurry, almost like a tsunami has invaded this laid back town. In life, we all need little triggers or impulses to kick us out of our deceiving bed of roses. Going back to the basics, what is it that all of us humans are chasing after? We're so caught up in the daily rat race that we forget what is the most important thing to us.

Picked up this quote some years back and it's still applicable till today and in fact, this should be the basis of our every decision making process.

The greatest joy of life is to love and be loved.