Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time Runs

Grandma is 74 today! For once, I feel that age is catching up on my last surviving grandparent. Last week, she had to go under the knife for cataract and as she was walking down the steps just now, she was struggling. I cannot believe what I saw because she has always been rather healthy.

Now now, that makes me feel how far I'm lagging behind in terms of life's natural progression as compared to my peers. Being Asian, most of my friends from school have screaming kids tugging onto their dresses as they attend yet another wedding of a friend's. Biological clock ticking? Nope. About 4 years ago, I would have agreed but right now, it's just leaving everything to "what comes may". Having experienced enough irresponsibilities and disappearing men, becoming cynical was just expected.

If you ask me, I just want to go on a race on the track with the C63 AMG for now and dump all the tiring thoughts behind.

By the way, I never thought too well of Speegies (if you don't get it, that's cuz I meant it that way), I just do not want to become one. Having said that...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Yardstick For True Friendship

Yet another 2 weeks has past me by. Time moved faster than I can imagine although things have definitely gone against my vision's peripheral. Some people have chosen to come and others to go. The yardstick for sincerity just shifts itself before you can even get your eyes fixed on it.

On Friday, A-litigator brought up several issues about life in general. Thoughts progressed and lingered. We all have choices even if it comes to companionship and this in turn, will result in the type of lives we end up living. Yet another friend reminded me of possible vicious words and with sufficient sincerity, we should be able to keep true friendships. Living in daily confusion of uncovering truth and locating the truths behind the truth, this world of lies leaves all of us gasping for the rare breath of fresh air.

Escape is meant for fools and it's not suited for me. The courage to face up and to deal with it would be my way but I won't impose it on anyone. If the choice is to silently walk away, so be it. To think that the initial choice was right but it was proven wrong subsequently and maybe knowing the truth will actually hurts.

Speaking of the devil brought about new meaning. The truth about talking about someone and to run into someone immediately. Hope this isn't yet another disappearing act but I know very well, this lunchbox belongs to another.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Incredible Weather

Has it always been such or is it global warming?

Just weeks ago, it was raining regularly every afternoon. It wasn't the most welcomed thing but looking back, I'd rather have a rainy afternoon. Recently, it's been hot and I mean, too hot! Hitting highs of 35 degree celsius doesn't quite feel fun. Having to shuttle in and out of the office going for meetings after meetings, all you want is to have meetings in the office and no where else. Unfortunately, with the change in portfolio, more opportunities arise for me to brave the heat to get to another location too near yet too far. The heat brought about cruel headaches and even on a Sunday, sitting in the room with the AC and fan on, the headache persists.

In the every littlest effort I can to reduce global warming, being environmentally friendly wasn't a choice. It was a calling to make this planet a better place to live in. Before I sound like the irritating overly environmentally friendly freak, all I'm asking is to use ONE less plastic bag whenever you can. Carrying a 環保袋 will help the world more than you think, especially if everyone of us can just save one plastic bag every day. If there's no need for one, ask not to have one. Admittedly, some of us use plastic bags as trash bags and there aren't much alternatives. But truth is, don't most of us have excess of such bags at home and to dump one away when trash isn't quite filled to its capacity? It's quite a shame when other countries are showing the efforts and a developed nation like ours isn't playing its part. Whatever happened to BYOB?

Do your mini part, do what is within your means. The next time when you buy a drink from 7-11, tell them that you don't need a bag. And I'm not even asking you to buy a packet drink over a bottled drink! Do me a favour by doing mother earth a favour and you'll find that, you're doing yourself a gigantic favour.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Wrong & The Wrong

Another work week passed and finally having time to type my mind out again. Watching the way I type and careful not to ruin the careful "paintwork", I sat down on my bed in this cold room, staring at the rain and watch the day go by. Questions pop up and you ask yourself if it's such sheer coincidence that when the confidence dwindle, things happen to force you to have double takes. Is truth that hard to grasp?

Musical chairs is inevitable everywhere I go. It's more than plain familiarity. In this case, it's the unveiling of a hidden star and the focus on the better. The want for a faster drive, a better life and a concrete roof will mean a tougher time, harsher objectives and greater heights.

Checking on numbers send shocks but giving it back to feed the people who protect and contribute, blame could only be on bad accounts management. Putting in the hours will in hope, bring some glory back.

Yet another weekend... To another week to prove myself.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Not So Sweet Potato

Physical food may fill you but beyond the acceptable point, the body would just reject it all. Mental food sits on empty dishes and the dishwasher goes into overrun. Standing alone in that oven-like carpark, staring at the spot that was replaced by a giant machine, tears were warm, gently reminding you that it's a mistake. It could have been the poor memory or the inability to forget but the constant shower of words about the cold, makes breathing really harsh in this tight space. Putting the index finger on the reset button, the lack of courage pulls you back. The need to have some firm answers on the definition of happiness sends you a frightening moment that made it sound almost deaf. The blocked off atmosphere became so physical and tangible of a sudden. The need to run into the warmth familiar smell again developed into a stinging pain.

Funny how the sweet potato isn't that sweet after all.