I called up yesterday to check on the availability of flights. If I were to take United, it'd cost me about S$3000 but if I take Cathay, it'd be slightly more than S$2000 but they have only ONE seat left. To top it all, if I want to reserve that, I'd have to pay the whole sum in cash and only cash. So I'm just staring into space and hope that there's a miracle. I have taken a whole block of annual leave at the end of the year, I'd be like an idiot sitting at home wasting the annual leave if I'm not going to New York but that's besides the point! I want to go to New York! I want to get my tattoo done. I need a break. I want a white Christmas!
I can kill someone now!!!
For the past weeks, I've been spending a shitload of time on Facebook and even while at Balaclava last night, "Breyton" and myself were reporting "LIVE" from Balaclava. Experienced first hand last night that alcohol with no dinner was bad and considering lunch was half a bowl of soup, I'm beginning to think that I'm going on an anorexic diet. Don't worry. I'm still as chubby as can be and will continue to grow horizontally although I refuse to. I still love my foods and especially the yummy chicken wings from Simpang Bedok and needless to say, limau ais to go with it.

Went to The Board Shop over at Far East Shopping Centre last night and picked up this handle which is essentially a free gift depending on your perspective. Our friend here typing happen to be a big "carrot/turnip" and overpaid for her wakeboard and bindings set up. Upon realising, she tried to get a deal from buying the floatation vest cheap. The guy called and offered to give me the handle at no cost because he didn't want an unhappy customer. A very decent thing to do, must say. Thing now is, I have the handle but I do not have the rope/line. To buy that line, would mean the bleeding of my pocket of another S$180. Truthfully at this point in time, I'm not prepared to pay S$180 for this.

This is what I put my money in last night. The real deal. This keeps me safe, if not, alive.

1 comment:
a regular diet works more wonders than being anorexic!
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