Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's only 10am and I feel that I have done so much and have felt experienced all stupid emotions since I woke up at 7.30am.

Went to sleep last night with an text message I regretted sending, feeling full but empty. Woke up to a sweet invite for dinner tonight but still in a dilemma whether I should go. After much contemplation, I went ahead with plans because at least they were plans and not like clothes left hung to dry. Meeting someone you haven't met in excess of 10 years and the last time you met, you were a kid running around in Sunday School, is kinda weird. Come to think of it - He wasn't even in SSS then cuz he was much older and was in Youth Ministry!! How time has passed...

When friends were discussing some nights ago on the increase in cost of living in Singapore. I guess I knew and expected that but it wouldn't affect me that much since that few dollars is not going to take the flesh off me. I was only away for 3 weeks and now, everything is different. Taxi meters skip by 20 cents block instead of 10 and they flip as your heart beats. I topped up my Ezylink card just last night and as far as I'm aware, I think by tomorrow, I would need to top it up again. Bought a sandwich this morning and it was almost 40% more than the last time I bought it. It is true that the few dollars is not going to kill me but seriously, how many people out there can take the inflation especially when the salary level stays the same? Time to plan for old age...

I'm so used to guys being gentlemanly in my office building that when I stepped into the elevator with some guy trying to rush into it before me, I knew he was just a visitor. Totally peeved, I showed the unhappiness all over my face. Imagine - Eyes open big big, stares, deep breath, blinked hard, look away and let out a big sigh.

I'm NOT complaining... I'm just mentally exhausted and I'm rambling on...

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