Friday, September 05, 2008

Nothing Else Matters

If my memory serves me right, I blogged on me being on a rollercoaster ride some time ago. A familiar feeling is rushing up and drowning me and definitely not very pleasant. Not being able to share the thoughts and emotions, the next best thing is to ensure being the best emotional and mental support anyone could hope for, which also led to the overcompensation mentioned in the last post. A willing mind and soul to do that doesn't mean a person is equipped with the strength and capability to pull it through. Prayers tide the mind for a short period of time and calms it down but just the very next moment, one would be gasping for the air and wanting to make it to the surface and not get drowned in the process. To be able to distant myself is a brand new resolution made mid way through the year that you know as per every other resolutions made during new year, it is so not going to last. However, it is afterall, a resolution.

Reluctant to put anyone through the misery and pain, with enough complaints that my blog is always so dark and upsetting, I will keep this very short. So much so, I only want to say, "As long as you know I'm here, nothing else matters."

And I mean every word of it.

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