Monday, April 13, 2009

Cannonbola Run

After the last weekend of helping a friend out at the booth of Poni Band at Suntec City, I had an allergy attack that hindered my ability to think cohesively and thought blogging would be absolutely disastrous. So while waiting for the body to recover from all the flowing mucus, tattered nose and groggy mind, I rested this place as well. To mark the end of the episode, I was "car-bound" for a few days.

A couple of friends had decided to do a Cannonbola Run which is essential a long drive through highways and B-roads for a few days. Moody Penguin on ransom of 1 instant mee goreng, has sold his approval to Dentist Wuuu Wuuu that we'll head up with the rest for the trip, putting Moody on potential perils and opened a hell lot of fun for the both of us.

When the bell rang for our 8th month anniversary, we took off for a 2D 2N drive in Malaysia. It was an endurance drive with extremely interesting people. The sounds from the comms set is still ringing in my ear, "oncoming black car in 200m then clear clear clear..." Our beachfront hotel in Kuantan was breathtaking, not that we had any chance to enjoy. After more than 12 hours drive, Moody Penguin fell flat after lunch and a good shower.

The short stopover at KL gave some of them a decent break - massages for the guys (including Xiaohong) and shopping for the girls. For Moody Penguin and myself, spending some "Snugtime" walking around KL. Must say, it was a fulfilling trip...

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