Thursday, November 19, 2009


There isn't a more apt song out there. On a rainy night, the song accentuated the chills. The determination to not pick up my 3 minutes of "oxygen" was perpetuated with yet another can of iced cold Coke. The excess sugars kept the energy going.

Unlike B in terms of the same war we had to fight, the whistle to end the game of the tug of war just fails to go off. As much as autumn is coming to an end and the last season of the year is looming, Spring still appears to be too far away for comfort. Some warmth is very much longed for. A hot chocolate overdosed with marshmallows by the fireplace... Enviable.

让窗户通通都打开 让阳光通通都照进来
把你的过去变腐坏 把你的溺爱藏起来

现在是三点钟 你应该还没醒呢
这有点刺眼的光线 会不会打扰你呢
梦不会实现了 我应该要醒了
我不该只懂得配合 你习惯短暂的温热

我努力要自己避开 和你曾走过的地带
但是又和不舍拉扯 处在我快乐的界外
我何尝不是一个人 来决定爱的延长赛
奈何总是勉强对自己 有一个善良的交代

我努力要自己躲开 你给我的伤心地带
但是又和失去拉扯 得到的全都是意外
到现在还是一个人 吞噬着自己的能耐
到最後我可以不爱了 你却说舍不得


After an eventful afternoon getting stuck behind standstill traffic only to realise I'm in the middle of a newsflash worthy flood. Late for my appointment, I managed to do more than I initially intended and could ever bargained for. 2 coffee sessions before I finally went for the prearranged appointment which was supposedly due a couple of hours before. Catching up with people I rarely have a chance to meet up with nowadays given the crazy schedules I've been running, the day off was well worth it despite the unexpected adventure. Speaking of unexpected, the hug received today felt so reassuring, it was kinda weird. I can't explain it but... comforting. It's almost like the giver was telling me "I know, I know. Everything will be fine."

我努力要自己避开 和你曾走过的地带
但是又和不舍拉扯 处在我快乐的界外
我努力要自己躲开 你给我的伤心地带
但是又和失去拉扯 得到的全都是意外
到现在还是一个人 吞噬着自己的能耐
到最後我可以不爱了 你却说舍不得
你可以不爱了 别说舍不得

To do the one thing that we knew till this point of time, time and current doesn't allow, we shall believe it'll happen someday. Will that day come?

1 comment:

JanuskieZ said...
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