Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Walking Alone & Lovin' It

It was totally awesome just walking alone down the streets and watching the dried bougainvillea leaves drifting in the air. Since my legs couldn't take me any further, I sat myself down at McDonalds' and got myself some ice cold Coke to go with some fries. People watch I did. Countless thoughts came to mind and I filter them out slowly. Achieving peace wasn't easy. Repeating one song in my head that helped with the clearance significantly and planning my next steps in my life.

If one is unable to control what people speaks, then one has to control being able to see oneself in the mirror before you head to bed. Armed with the right pair of comfortable walking shoes, I will choose to walk on and prepare myself for the tougher roads ahead.

Alone time is good. There can actually be times that you really do not need anyone to influence your thoughts. I guess that can eventually make you a stronger person.


明白的一切 said...
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Anonymous said...

Think too much, u achieve nothing. Stop wasting your time.