The first time Watziznehm spent 6 entire weeks in Dubai, it was novel and very quickly, I was planning a visit to this amazing city within the emirate. It was one of the best weeks I've spent away from home, second to my time in New York. Time became a decadance which I could afford and space was the feast my eye desperately longed for. As with every other holiday, it was way too short. It was so only because I had to return due to work commitments. The weather has since heated up and Dubai is right smack in their infamous summer. Of course, I have seen what I wanted to and there was no compelling reason for me to visit yet again.
This time around, it's been 4 solid weeks. My weekends were filled with sleepless nights of excessive mahjong and the seductive company of books. People around me have concluded that I'm addicted to the world of mummy-porn, 50 Shades of Grey... Yet with all the hype, my dinners were mostly spent alone (with my book of course and occasionally, there's the iPad). I never liked dinner alone because it reminds me painfully that I'm too far away from a warm hug and a comforting kiss on my forehead. I came to realise that it is with someone you love, your enjoyment for simple things is life is taken to a different height and easily multiplied. While I'm thinking that I will never land myself with a man like Christian Grey, I'm actually basking in excessive contentment. I have a good man who tolerates all my nonsense. Besides, I'm no Ana Steele.
Back to reality, I know in a a world where I take too much, things may crumble. I find myself being compensated with an abundance of patience and a generous portion of love. Life may not bring me to continents that I long to visit but it has already brought me to the land where life is.
I may grumble that my weekends of mahjong and my secret dates with some fictional character is coming to an end but I know reality isn't that harsh to jump back to. All I greedily need now is that stretch of the already lavish patience coupled with love and whose arms I will readily throw myself right into.
My lesson now is to come to realisation that my life is made of 50 shades of rainbow happiness.
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