Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hong Kong!

Have you ever seen the ad that goes, (in Mandarin - very unfortunate for people who aren't as talented as myself to be effectively bilingual moving onto a trilinguist - well, it's meant to be a joke, don't take it too hard, i'm not that musta thick skinner as it may seem), "SHOP and EAT and SHOP and EAT, to rest is inevitable"

It's been say more than 6 months, which is really long for me, since i last went Hong Kong. I will only do my shopping in Hong Kong considering that i go there on a regular basis. They have better quality stuffs than Bangkok and it's slightly more down to earth than Taipei's cranky fashion. I love love love Hong Kong and even more so when my boss is paying for my air ticket. I better save up, let the credit card roll and yoohooo... Then only thing now is to try to strangle my boss so he puts us up in the better hotels before i go cheap on my own extended nights. I'll be all alone so friends who are in Hong Kong then, please do contact me before i leave to arrange some fun before i fly off the last weekend of November. It'll be very sad for me to walk down buzzing LKF or TST or CWB alone in the cold November rain. Silly gag but hey i'm happy! Join me!!! The only downside, i have to go work and it's not easy cuz i've got to be trained to take over some cutie's job there.


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