Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Are Marriages for Everyone?

I was out with my bunch of cousins and nieces and nephews last night. By the way, is there like an acronym for nieces and nephews? I'll just call them my NN from now on, then again, NN sounds like neh neh, whatever. As usual, it was interesting but the better part came after we sent the underaged ones back home to slumberland.

One of my cousin is undergoing a rough patch and the sky ahead does seem better. The clouds are clearing and just hope she'll stay happy just as she has always been. My other cousin married this one guy who is eerily similar to the guy i almost married myself to(in terms of character and temperament) and i'm thankful i didn't. So decide for yourself what she had got herself into. I love both my cousins and i know they will emerge a stronger person/s one day and be happy eventually but these stuffs actually gives me the fear to go into any marriage. Well they do have beautiful kids...

One of the major regrets in my life: My grandma never lived to see my kids, if i ever have any in future. Just before she passed away, when her mind wasn't that crystal clear, she actually asked if i'm married already. I really wish to see her carry my kids just like the way she carried me when i was a baby.

I've always thought that i'm a family person and that i'll make a good wife and mother. Not that i can't be one now but i've lost the urge to have kids while i'm still young. I still want to be a young mother but i don't know if i can be a young wife. I've always tried to be a good girlfriend and in future, a good wife but i suppose it's just the wrong person, the wrong time, all the time.

Do i still have any hope of being a young Mom? I don't know but i will continue to be a good person, or so i try to.

A quote which i've picked out from Oprah Show some time back, "First a Wife, then a Mother" and i'd like to add on, "First a woman, then a wife, then a mother"

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