Monday, February 05, 2007

V Day Refugee

We were so late today. Met BR on the train and we both have puffy, swollen eyes. Anyone can tell we're terribly sleep deprived. Serve us right for watching TV till the wee hours on this only night that we can rest our livers from all the alcohol during the week. At the rate we're NOT resting, i doubt our livers will see any improvement.

BR, i don't care if you're going to "old folks home" on Valentines' Day but i'm extending my invitation to you to spend it with me. Alright, i'm pathetically appealing to you to spend it with me. C'mon, take pity in me. I don't wanna spend V Day looking at idiots madly in love walking around and i can't find a place to sit down for dinner. Maybe we should just come out and get some alcohol in our systems and go home for an early night. Well, i know you will be immersed in your bed of roses with "o'folk", i'm just trying my luck.

I do not want to spend my V Day with "Domestic Help Royalty"! If anyone of you have plans, mahjong or bowling or pool or alcohol or movies, just bring me along and save me from all the torture. Otherwise, i'll just have to say yes to "Domestic Help Royalty" and go on another unexciting date with him. It's so sad to be screaming "DATE ME!" on the internet and i'm still being picky here with whom i wanna spend it with.

You know what, i'll buy some popcorn and stay at home to watch the DVDs i've bought 2000 years ago and haven't got a chance to watch.


rdx said...

ye gal i can be the one
i have the same feeling..don wanna be with my gal this V-Day let's make it interesting

BlackCookie said...

who the hell are you?