Still stuck in the office. Wondering whether I should get my butt off the chair and shoot myself off to the gym. I'm just too lazy to move and I just feel like heading home but for the sake of wakeboarding, I must get out right now and work my arse off.
There you go, I'm still sitting right here!
Luciano Pavarotti died of pancreatic cancer today. That poor fellow was looking so frail towards his last days. Rest in peace and as much as I was never quite the major opera fan, few people can successfully dominate a whole music genre like him. He's become an icon over these years and has my total respect.
"Elitist" and myself almost had a showdown yesterday. I gave him a huge real estate/conglomerate client and in turned, I've got a nicely put warning letter sent to me with everyone else carbon copied into. So I wanted to have my revenge with my reply-ALL. Subsequently, was held back by "Coddler Mom" so I forward the email with a very angry message to "Comedy Boss". Now, we're all loading our ammunitions, counting down to the right moment to launch our full-blast attack. This bugger has total disregard for everyone else and is a major names dropper. You may know all the COOs and CEOs of the world but with that attitude, he will only be commonly loathed which he is successfully working towards. I should station my little camera in the office to capture the look on his face when we finally declare war against him. Just looking at him from the corner of my eye totally disgust me.
Yes, I'm still in the office gulping down another can of Coke. Such an addict.
I'm so tired and I need to sleep but too lazy to go home. I'm so hopeless. All I have to do is to pick up the phone, call a cab, get my butt off, take the elevator, walk down the escalator, walk out of the door, walk to the road and get up the cab. Such a hassle. Haha. Wonder if that has anything to do with today being the first day of the time of the month. Haha I can so imagine the boys reading this trying to cover their eyes or ears, or both screaming, "arghhhh, don't tell me, why do you have to type it aloud!" I'm slowly being pushed to the brink of insanity as you can see. Life is hard... Very hard...
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
So tough to get going...
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