Friday, September 07, 2007


It's amazing how I thought I couldn't be bothered with things or people, I still am concerned and peeved.

Whatever that is, "Comedy Boss" just announced, relieving our Friday pains, that we'll be leaving for Bar SaVanh at 4.40pm sharp so that we can be at the place at 5pm just in time to knock on their doors to demand for the much needed alcohol. We're still wondering if we should walk or catch a cab there. Parked the car at a friend's place on Club Street so I can conveniently shoot off to meet with the forum people.

Been under the weather these couple of days. I'm sneezing away and my entire respiratory tract feels clogged.

I don't know how many of you have read 1L by Scott Turow but here's a local version, done by the first yearer from top tier local firm, Drew & Napier. How interesting would it be if they can get Jimmy Yim (He's like the principal of all lawyers watching everyone at all black or white or no tie events.) to dance.

Watch this...

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