Saturday, October 13, 2007

Massage My Mood

When weekends get aimless and even where there are activities, you just feel too lethargic to leave the house. Being sick does play its part to add on to the reluctance to go out. This inertia only makes its exception for wakeboarding and apart from that, I'd rather be rotting away on my bed. That is exactly what my antihistamine did. While the rest were out at St James last night for Haze's birthday party, I was entertaining myself with Facebook but without the crazy bunch of people, I was left with petting pets and killing zombies. "The Big Germ" had friends over so the noise wasn't making the Friday night easy to go by. The only good thing that came out of the noise I had to suffer, was that one of them had a webcam on her lappy so I spent the rest of the night watching Fatshark Guru do silly things like balancing his Tigger penholder and horsin soft toy in front of his webcam. It's funny how he could crack me up behind the mime.

Right now, everyone else is at Butter Factory and I'd rather be back here blogging away. My life is so hopelessly dull and unexciting but the mere thought of going wakeboarding tomorrow and be trying out the new board, just gives me the andrenalin rush even while sitting here on my bed and typing away on this pathetic keyboard. I can't wait nor hold the excitement. Praying for good weather...

Totally overslept for the mahjong session today and had to go all the way to Senja Road. I bet you have no idea where is it. I didn't before today but now I know. It's all the way in Chua Chu Kang and yes, I'm staying on the opposite site of the island. The overdose of antihistamine did not throw me into an entirely unconscious state and I was still dreaming. As per all my other dreams, I couldn't remember 99% of it but I do vaguely remember, I was in Bangkok again, doing the whole shopping regime and indulging myself with more massages and most importantly, seeing familiar faces that reminds me of how cruel this world is to me and how much I'd give up to find myself smiling from within all over again. Am I the only one feeling shortchanged and hoping that life has more in store for me?

Blogged a short one yesterday but was uber meaningless so I deleted it before posting it. Realised I've been writing so much crap... Any complaints?

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