Monday, December 03, 2007

Gu Niang

Wakeboarding last week was disastrous. I didn't know riding with the pros would put so much pressure on me. The entire wakeboarding procedure is so different from our usual drill. We don't usually need to load up the boat because we're all rookies but recently, I've noticed the loading with 10litre containers. But when pros ride, the whole loading process becomes professional as well. We had to fill up 2x200kg weightage systems with the sea water when we settle around the spot we were going to ride. This process will enable the boat to create bigger wakes which in turn, encourage bigger jumps. Big wakes can be good but at the same time, when you're a real rookie, it can be intimidating. For me, I loved the wake. But somehow, my ride just did not show it.

For the first time in history, my extremely gorgeous instructor "Power Ranger Daddy" called me a "gu niang" which literally means lady and what he really meant was that he felt that my limbs were too soft, I wasn't performing and I've lost the "chilli padi" in me. Most know me by "Pedal to Metal Chilli Padi" but none of the characteristics made it's appearance on Saturday. Must say I was utterly disappointed with myself. On the bright side, there's always next week.

Woke up on Sunday for the BMWsg morning drive + picnic. Found that I was running a temperature and the body ache was killing me so I popped to Panaco & mass-texted everyone then headed back to bed. The rest did me good and by noon, I was making my way for my haircut. I love my new haircut but apparently, no one could tell I cropped them off except for the real Jewell. It's about time I do something drastic... Oh, I forgot about the bosses...

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