Friday, February 15, 2008

How I'd Like My Next Haircut

聽見 冬天的離開
Listening to winter passing me by
Awaken on this fateful day
我想 我等 我期待
Thinking, waiting, anticipating
The future can't be planned

陰天 傍晚 車窗外
Dark & cloudy this evening, looking out of the car's window
There's someone waiting for me in the future
向左 向右 向前看
ooking around and looking forward
Love will come after some turns

我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白
What sort of conversation will we have?
我等的人 他在多遠的未來
The person I'm waiting for is still in the future
我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海
I can hear the wind amongst the crowd
我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌
Patiently waiting for my turn in this queue

我往前飛 飛過一片時間海
Gliding forward in time
We've both been hurt in love
我看著路 夢的入口有點窄
Staring at the narrow entrance to dreams
To have met you is a beautiful encounter

終有一天 我的謎底會解開
One day, there will be an answer for me

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