Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How Weird; How Cute

I've gone missing again. It's only one day so stop complaining. My brains are dead and I'm not functioning well enough to blog. My shoulders are aching from the weekend's wakeboarding, my brains flooded with both work and non work related stuffs and my life is in a mess. Somehow, I know more than ever what I want. The direction is somewhat clear but the passage itself is filled with twigs and branches stumbling me along the way. I'm bruised and hurt but somehow, some unknown determination seems to drive me forward. Is there light at the end of this rocky tunnel?

Just realised that drowning myself in plenty of work seems to be working initially to distract me but the loneliness seems to sound louder and shine brighter when I get home, right in my chubby face! Thankfully, the airshow is on and Urban Legend Wifey is on less hubby time and I've been getting loads of love from her. Definitely helps in "sayang-ing" the pain.

Have you ever heard of "My Paper"? Apparently, I've been interviewed by it on this year's budget. The budget was announced days ago and I'm still wondering if my name appeared somewhere and what the reporter actually wrote. I'm more curious on what was on that article than the budget. How superficial of me... I know! So if you have that in your garage, pass it onto me.

Hungry... Lunchtime...

How Randomly Cute Is Your Personality?

Odd Cute
Odd Cute
Your just a bit odd, but its still cute. I would totally give you a hug.. but I don't trust strangers.
How do you compare?
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