Monday, March 31, 2008

Snugloft Clones Needed

There has just been a tsunami of work flowing in and it's driving me nuts. But I'm actually quite happy that things are starting to pick up and people are actually starting to hire! I'm going in to have a chat on some possibilities for myself tonight but still rather skeptical. When people start to pee and be very territorial even before you step into their grounds, you just have to imagine yourself walking on a minefield threading every step you take. Before I get drowned under all the calls and work...

For once, I feel that I need to split myself up into many Snuglofts. My favourite little girlie has got HFMD and has been crying for me. (Honestly, I was really touched and happy to hear that although it's painful to know that she's suffering...) The last time I saw her was months ago and I couldn't believe my own ears when I received the phonecall that she wants me. I was hoping to take the day off to take care of her since her parents aren't in Singapore at the moment but I'm so tied up at work and to take annual leave below 48 hours of notice would be really tough. I think I would just have to rearrange my meetings and spend some time with her after work. I am so gonna faint from exhaustion by tonight. I'm slightly insomniac and it's so silly how my system refuse to sleep and just an hour before my alarm was planned to go off, I would just doze off. Just thinking of the sores in the mouth of the little one really pains me. To think that I chose my job so that I can have more flexibility in future with my kids... Pah!

Back to work! Hopefully I could sneak off to sayang her later...

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