Sunday, April 06, 2008

Old Wounds, New Life

Guess who I ran into on Friday during dinner with Urban Legend Wifey? Munchausen Syndrome! Apparently, he was with another girl, someone I know and someone whom I would have already imagined him to be out with. I didn't quite run into him face to face but he did text me and told me that the girl saw me but they didn't come over to say hi. Even then, he was still telling half truths and didn't quite say he was with her. I wonder why... Very frankly, I am really glad that he was with someone. Only goes to show that he has moved on and time did help his wounds.

Putting things behind me where they belong, the karaoke cum birthday party for A&E Quack was fabulous. The response was overwhelming and even as I say that, it was a total understatement. There was easily 30 people in a room catered for 15 and with some who came and went, we definitely had more than 40 people gracing the event. As usual, there was an overload of alcohol. There were easily 20 jugs of beer, a bottle of the Sar Lau drink and er... Too much for my puny brains.

Managed to catch "Semi-Pro" with Ex-Sir's Sir yesterday and Will Ferrell is simply hilarious. I must say it's not one of his best but definitely worth catching it. One of my favourite Will Ferrell's clip as George Bush.

After the movie, we head over to Foreman's place for mahjong. During the six years when I vanished from the face of this planet, loads happened and only till these one year or so that I realised what I've missed out on. I don't know if it's too late to catch up since most of them are married and some are even done and over with marriage. But we spent so much bonding time when we were in school, nothing can quite take it away from us.

Today was all for myself and on my own. I caught up on sleep but somehow, I actually find it tough to sleep past 8 hours. Chatted with Mom & Dad over lunch and checking out if there are new problems waiting for me to solve. Quite obviously, there are loads of them and may be more than I can handle. As the responsible child I have always wanted to grow up to be, I have consciously put these problems in my head and I've already started to plan on how to solve them. I may not be a perfect child but I have only 1 set of Mom and Dad and I'd like to keep them happy even though they drive me nuts at times.

Went for the last service and for 2 weeks in a row, I got my spot in the auditorium. I'm so loved. Just some food for thought - We will always be better, many times better than our last job, our last relationship, etc, just like how God made us much better than the man before Adam sinned. If He is not the one to put us through tests and trials, who actually does? I know for sure I will not be put through those trials because I have asked for it not to happen on me.

Don't fall asleep yet. I know this is not the most interesting of all things but these are things that impact me on a daily basis and I want this to be someone else's inlet as much as I see this as my outlet. And while I share, I know I have the capacity to take in more... So, just receive! Ta da!!!

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