Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I've been wanting to embark on this topic since last month but didn't want anyone to think I'm particularly talking about them. So I'm not referring to anyone in particular unless I mentioned you or rather, the nickname I've given you.

Financial planning... Here we go.

If memory serves me right, friends and relatives used to avoid the then insurance agents like plagues. I guess times are different and people do accept the idea that they need to have some form of protection/coverage should anyone befalls them. Then the umbrella gets bigger, the protection extends not just to your life and health but to your mind and wealth. The business gets bigger and more people enters the industry. Most are left to sync and swim or just sink. Some emerge better and more motivated people, others just slump further into nothingness.

Just let me disclaim before I move any further, I have my own planning sorted out by someone who's in no way anyway related to me nor by any chance, even a friend. The reason behind this is simple. I want to keep my finances private and getting friends to do it just makes it a little more uncomfortable.

A very good friend of mine, Balloon Sculptor who recently changed got married and has changed jobs not one, but twice, is looking to move yet again. This time he's determined to make it big. I don't doubt his determination one bit, I'm more worried on his focus, really. But well, since he has decided to to put his foot in, we'll just help to pull him up whenever he needs a tug.

Jem called me today and asked about my new car. Frankly, I'd love to have like 10 cars and everyone of you get to do one of the auto insurance. Wouldn't that be great? Dreams aside, Jem recently started her own agency. On one hand, I'm happy for her that she's finally found someone she truly enjoys and her dreams are all so beautiful. I don't mean to be a wet blanket but this world is cold and harsh. Unless you can stay absolutely disciplined and focused, that is a dog eat dog world out there. Having said so, which industry isn't. I can only give Jem my very best wishes and if anyone were to need a financial planner, I wouldn't forget to mention your name.

My buddy who repeated a year with me during my JC days has been in this line for the past 3 or 5 years, till today, she's still madly running around. Whether she has made it anywhere near "the good level" I have absolutely no idea. But lunches with her never go without talking about buying a policy from her and her kind follow up calls makes you feel obliged to want to help her. Unfortunately, for her, my stint in Shanghai has built my resilience although I'm always really close to succumbing to "oh ok then..." My sanity mind and the want to keep my information private is still my utmost priority. I do want to help her so if anyone of you need to speak to anyone "non-obligatory", I can hook you up with the people mentioned above.

But if you ask me who's the best in the market? My answer is absolutely biased. He's not someone I'm using, neither is he someone who needs help. Not any of above-mentioned. Someone whom I totally adore... Make a guess! He's an Urban Legend afterall.

我怕来不及 我要抱着你
直到感觉你的皱纹 有了岁月的痕迹
直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力气
为了你 我愿意 动也不能动
也要看着你 直到感觉你的发线
有了白雪的痕迹 直到视线变得模糊
直到不能呼吸 让我们 形影不离
如果 全部世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息
你掌心的志 我总记得在那里
我们好不容易 我们身不由已
我怕时间太快 不够将你看仔细
我怕时间太慢 日夜担心失去你
恨不得一夜之间白头 永不分离

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