Friday, May 09, 2008

What Women Want

I would never, in my life, imagined that I'd love a show like Ironman even when it stars Robert Downey Jr. But I did. Loved it. It was absolutely fabulous and it gets 4 out of 5 PlatPopcorns from me. There wasn't a dull and boring moment and there were so much of humour and excitement, we were just glued. After a hard day a work, I was more than likely to fall asleep on the less than comfortable seats at Shaw. My eyes were kept wide open throughout the show and we even attempted to stay till the last of the credits since A&E Quack believed that there's some must-watch surprise clips by the end of the credit roll.

How many times have we come across Swarovski crytal and totally succumb to the attraction and blinding blings? Please think twice before you ever buy any piece of Swarovski in Singapore. I'm not asking you not to buy and this is based on pure facts, not at all defamatory, so have a read and decide for yourself if you wish to purchase Swarovski in Singapore in particular. The customer service leaves much to imagination. Mom got Grandma a gift some time ago and the crystals started falling off. Apparently they had to send these to get fixed in Switzerland. So we did. It came back and the same thing happened again. It has nothing to do with customer service, just the less than satisfactory quality. But at least 2 of my colleagues have had tough brushes with the customer service. They take forever to get back to you and never once, provided relevant nor desirable services to salvage the situation. If you think you'll never have to deal with their customer service, by all means, go buy it. As for having to deal with the customer service, just pray hard that you won't ever have to deal with them. I'm not gonna go into any more details since I've still got my arse to protect.

The SE at Mini Habitat has failed to convince me why I should be paying more than a friend who incidentally is some kind of celebrity. Well, I've never quite looked at him as a celebrity so it's tough for me to figure why I have to pay more for the same thing. Let's see what new quotes he's getting me or I'll just stick to my original plans of getting a GTi, which is alot cheaper!

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