Friday, May 30, 2008

Work & Play Don't & Shouldn't Mix

Blogs by airline crews that tell all are the talk of the town. Singapore Airlines has already banned their crews from doing so. This boils down to privacy. Most people refer to their friends or family by their names directly revealing their relation and information that might not be personal at the point of publishing but might become sensitive in time to come. Company logos and emblems including the "kebaya" will directly or indirectly reveal the sleazy lifestyles of the cabin crews and this in turn might tarnish the airline's reputation. The act of blogging might be seemingly harmless but in actual fact, if it is an open blog, anyone will be able to access let alone the fact that individual words written in the blogs will be picked up by search engines. Since Day One, I have insisted on using nicknames and some of which I wouldn't even remember in a couple of weeks time and had to reinvent another nickname. It all began because I wanted to avoid some personal implications. It turned out to be a wise decision as many doesn't want their identity and stories to be revealed.

I mentioned way too many times that my blog is my personal outlet. Rightfully pointed out by Urban Legend, it might jolly well end up as someone else's inlet. I kept my entries to very simple and readable layman terms hoping that some of my stories, thoughts or decisions will indirectly affect my readers in a positive way. Admittedly, I've been negative and low but even then, I have received relatively good feedback on how some people can relate to my emotions and was reassured that things will definitely take a better turn. Even so, names are never mentioned to protect the "innocent". The only exception I make are new babies. They are just so pure and new to this world. I don't think I should hide them behind any veils. So far, there's only Laura Widya and Chloe Sim. I wonder how is Baby Laura doing now...

Back to blogging on work-related matters, I have always avoided them unless it's seriously affecting my emotions. Recently, I must say I've been affected more than ever but i know I will be back in shape very soon and be whipping up big numbers in no time. Keeping work and personal life separated is tough, blogging and Facebook just makes it harder. If only we can keep everything absolutely anonymous, that would be great but that too, takes away the fun. All I can hope is for you to enjoy the crazy nicknames I come up with every now and then.

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