Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting In Shape

Waking up early has always been a challenge to me. But the enthusiasm and adrenalin running through you might just make the difference. When I first started my current job, I was the happy girl, totally in love with every moment of my little life while working for the most wonderful boss in the world. I raced myself to work everyday just to get in before Babooshka Mom. Setting an excellent example, she was always around and has got what it takes to run an office efficiently. She understood the importance of being a good role model. It does make a big difference. The key between being an employer and employee, she had it all figured. Hats off!

These days, I've been getting out of bed later and later and only when being whipped back into shape, I actually got in alot earlier. But I wasn't that happy to get in. I wasn't smiling to myself and hoping that I'll get in earlier than anyone else in the office. All I really do is to pray hard that Shrek don't send me another of those emails telling me how f***ed up I am. The regular humdrum goes...

All I want these days is a good night's sleep and being able to wake up half an hour early so Comedy Boss doesn't have to save my arse by covering it all up for me. I feel so bad having dragged him down while he's also being whipped together by Shrek. When asked about my loyalty to the company, I started to think maybe it's just being loyalty to certain personality. Comedy Boss earned my trust, others will have to do the same. Remorse doesn't affect me anymore. All that is whipping me together is the thought of dressing up "Goma" and oh, the next Miu Miu bag.

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