Friday, October 10, 2008

Waiting to be Waited On?

Clearing up after ourselves is a basic thing that should be indoctrinated to us but being Singaporeans and totally spoilt by be waited on at hand and feet for everything we do, food courts are filled with the older tier of the population cleaning up after us brats.

Graciousness is something the government has been trying to wash into our brains but some things take time and this is one of them. To try to change human behavior can not simply be done overnight. But let's just try it this once and let's start from fast-food restaurants where the food is not as messy to deal with as food courts and most of the stuffs are disposable.

For myself, I have been brought up to clear after myself but easy help breeds laziness and I have to admit, I leave it to the cleaners now more often than not. Thinking back, this is not something I would like to teach my kids so I shall endeavor to clean up after myself from today onwards.

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