Tuesday, November 04, 2008

ERP on PIE Kills ECP

Traffic was unusually heavy this morning. There weren't any accidents. I'm presuming a large group of people recee-ing to avoid PIE from tomorrow onwards. I am forseeing a disastrous morning tomorrow. Just one question i have in mind - By charging every possible entry into "high day traffic volume" areas, would traffic condition ease up? At least for me, there's nothing much I can do about it but get caught and resort to paying to get it. You might want to point your finger at me and be laughing, thinking "serve you right" but if you live where I live, you will get where I'm coming from and why I'm driving to work, of course my passion for driving aside. And the toll is ridiculously overpriced. Has anyone EVER questioned what are those numbers based on? I spend about $5 to get to work and another $1.50 when I go home considering that I'm not taking CTE that would set me back by a couple more dollars. The cost of living is getting so high, it's greatly reducing out standard of living... Singapore is just forcing me to get out.

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