Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happiness and Smiles - So Nice

I might have wrote on this song before but given my current frame of mind, I might have different things to blog about. Titled "So Nice", this bossa nova number definitely has more than one available rendition but my personal favourite is that of Stacey Kent's. To me, you know when you have found the one when you can relate to what the song has to say. Very simple things in life yet tough to seek. Here's how the song goes...

Someone to hold me tight
That would be very nice
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice
Someone to understand
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
And be a team with me

So nice, life would be so nice
If one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand
And samba through life with me

Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me
Some little samba song
Someone to take my heart
And give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to
Give love a start with me

Oh yes, that would be so nice
Shouldn't we, you and me?
I can see it will be nice...

As human beings, we're not perfect as much as we aim to be better than the person we are today to be the person we will be tomorrow. It's through difficulties and tough times when people cling to one another for support and just by having the other person hold your hand and walk down the trees of fall with leaves falling in shades of sepia. We could choose to see it as dying leaves or picture perfect. It was definitely a moment that could determine a lifetime. It's the willingness to be there for one another whether if times are good or bad which brings us to the marriage vow - "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." Very simple words, in the most layman terms, holds the most complex and hardest to grasp and fathom, the meanings of life.

The constant doubts rooting from the many evils of life cast onto whatever that may seem like a strong bond may just destroy what essentially is, but a happy concrete block of human connection. Solution is something I do not have because doubt is one I cannot rid of. When in doubt, we seek perfection. In absence of perfection, we crumble. Often, we fail to see, there's no such thing as perfection in human nor in their connections. We may err but may we forgive or forget. That is actually a choice, one we often deprive ourselves from.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. Henry David Thoreau

Many ran the rat race hoping to achieve smiles but little do they know, they have lost more along the way. It is quintessential for us to know that smiles not only brightens your day but they are your eventual goal. Do not run away from it for you will live a life less fulfilled.

Too much thoughts... Too much.





Bits of the song I've been listening to these couple of days...

With my inadequate language translation, I will not attempt to translate but if you get it, then you do. If not, you're not missing out. Go search for your smiles.

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