Monday, February 23, 2009

Simple Pleasures in Life

It might just be a fresh & warm chwee kueh to some and most times, an ice cold Coke blows me away. Lying down in the comfort of your very own room watching TV can just be as comforting or if not, more peaceful. In that aspect, hugs are miraculous when it comes to soul healing. Even that little touch of the finger when silence slowly engulf the atmosphere, can possibly send some spark down your nervous system heading straight for the blood pumping organ. When the breaths becomes deeper and longer, the heartrate responds accordingly. The mind gives in and thinks while it takes a break from thinking as well. The complexity yet the simplest in life...

The weekend wasn't the most thrilling neither was it the happiest but it was one that I could just take things slowly and absorb the best of what people around me fills me with. It was just so peaceful to be able to pour the toxins out and the body once rid of the bitter bits, will start absorbing the beautiful and serene ones. It's the little things in life that completes it.

The smile that you put across my face with the words you splash across my screen, gives me the nutrition I need to walk down the desert and may there be drought ahead, I know I'm well prepared for the journey. For I know, you will be waiting at the finishing line...

"I love you. You... you complete me. And I just..."
"Shut up, just shut up. You had me at 'hello'. "

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