Saturday, September 12, 2009


Thinking I've finally figure iPhoto, I couldn't be more wrong. They are all in funny format and I can't pass them on. Pictures of my little boyfriend, Bababooboo Junior, are still hot from the oven but even after figuring out saving it in alternative formats (or have I? Hmmmm...), stupid blogspot has got software issues hence, not knowing how to HTML the crap, I could only give you the basic until the functions are up. Kids grow up so darn fast and every single time I see him, he looks different. From looking like Mommy from birth, he now looks like Daddy. Having the need to jump all the time, the adults arms were all tired from being his bungee support. Being sleep deprived definitely doesn't help. Life is so simple for them and a total envy of many of us adults. A smile gets tricked out of him easier than performing a complex magic trick. My "Boo!" trick seems to work well with Breyton Junior and Bababooboo Junior so I guess it's sufficient to conclude that my trick is simple but efficiently steals smiles, laughter and giggles from babies.

Looking at the way Bababooboo Junior jumps, makes one wonder the courage of adults diminishing down the years. Based on the pedagogy thingy I learnt during my course last week, adults are more logical and systematic. As such, they have lost the bit of courage to go further or do more. The box slowly builds and thinking out of the box becomes a brand new concept here to stay. Human beings learnt to calculate and trust their environment a little bit more after each fall. With enough trust, we take it for granted that the floor will not sink when we walk on it and the buildings will not collapse when we enter it. But what actually causes the death in people in falling or failing buildings, is when we trust it to hold us well too much and when disaster befalls us while watching the rising of death tolls, we grieve in solemn lost of trust. The ability to trust a building that has once fallen is gone with the wind as well. There's a reason why World Trade Centre in New York City never got rebuilt besides leaving ground zero for tourists. Then again, that doesn't stop us from entering the other buildings because are we left with no choice or do we forget pain too easily? Given the current world population and economic activities, it is almost impossible to house everyone on flat ground. Having said that, we've all heard of ground sinking destructions too. Am I not making sense? I guess some sleep is due...

Lastly, an internal debate which I'd leave it out for all to have a good think about it - Is trust a regenerating trait?

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