If my blog's been visited often like how it used to be, it would be clear that the realisation is not sudden. Truth be told, happy as one can be to be with a friend who knows you best, had it not been that the person is causing you constant pain and not realise it or purely not acknowledging it, the feeling of taken for granted can't be avoided. It may not be deliberate but acknowledgement plays a large part. Then again, who are we to blame when we're not in the position to. Blame can only be imposed on oneself that wisdom wasn't fully utilised.
The marks from the sun after a day of enjoyment will fade off after a while. The pain from the burn is anything but permanent. Once the colour fades, the actual skin colour would be back, looking better than ever.
If one can't decide whether to take a left or right turn at the cross junction, there will be choices to detour and take the correct turn somewhere else. However, the road will reach a certain point whereby the destination would be beyond reach. One might be lucky to know a right turn ahead will eventually lead to the end point but if a left turn is taken earlier, the destination will only be further.
Weekends are bad. We tend to think too much. Then again, it it allows the reshuffling of pawns on the chessboard and the game restarts itself. One won't need all the pawns on the chessboard to win a game of chess but without all the right pawns, the game might not even start. Even if it's painful, some roads will be re-tarred for better roads to be built on the same space. Better utilisation of the space will prove to be more important for one car to take that road the driver missed to take.
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