Friday, February 19, 2010

Big 3-0

Amidst the Chinese New Year frenzy, we celebrated B's big 3-0 at Relish and Firestation. Having the 5 private minutes with him was nothing short of comforting. The friend who is always there to listen to your ranting, the ever timely offloading sessions. Not forgetting Daftbitch's ever-ready concern that never fails to warm the heart.

I just hope that in this new coming year, things will get smoother and better for all of us. Good news seem to be popping up bit by bit and I think things will just get better without a doubt. For myself, I need to get the engine cranking up and start to create a bang again. Fingers crossed, great news should be around the corner. And no, I'm not getting hitched.

The past week has been full of ups and downs and I mean, extreme ups and extreme downs. Getting to know some people and upgrade the relationship from acquaintances to friends. With some others, the trust erodes. The pain seeps in more vividly than one can imagine. The white flag is being risen slowly. Doubt fills the mind.

Nevertheless, I just hope that in the new year, friends will see less of the edges of the mouth heading south. Happy Birthday B! We love you loads! Now you're making me worried of my pending 3-0. Horror!

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