Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pretty Weekend

Never did I ever have such long nails so I decided to do something about it, considering my last manicure/pedicure session was more than a year back when that big toe nail was bruised. Believe it or not, it took a whole year for the new nail to replace the dead one. Armed with a sudden sense of adventure, I went with a bright pretty pink. When I saw the girl next to me walked out with green nails, I felt guilty thinking that I'm actually adventurous. Call me conservative but I'm loving it. Weirdly enough, with the newly painted nails, I became really girly. I could finally understand why some of my girlfriends took forever in the washroom. I could hardly zip and button up my jeans with that newly manicured calcium blades.

Brunch with Attituder at Spruce was way overdue. With the same old giggly us and re-enactment of our classic antics, we had a great afternoon complete with good food and company. During these times, you start to think, "the men never gets it". Fondling with my Miu Miu Mini Bow, which we found out by accident that both of us bought the same bag in the same colour and the same size, you wouldn't imagine two boyish car-loving girls squealing over handbags.

The weekend quickly came to an end. Too short but there's always the next one. Sleep debt is something I regretted not paying off but time with friends was even more valuable. Appreciation is on top of the list.

Q-Bash on Friday was totally insane. This is the first time in my life I actually went to an event not dressed up to the nines. Instead, I was dressed like a Mexican man sporting a moustache that was stopping me from smiling, laughing and talking properly. If you need to imagine how I spoke, just stiffen your upper lip and continue that imagination with hair getting into your mouth all the time. The night was nothing short of fun. I am already looking forward to the next quarter and of course, before all the celebration means loads of hardwork. I'm now recharged and ready to take on more. Bring it on!

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