Monday, November 29, 2010

My Vision, World Vision

As some of you may know that I have my adopted charity. What happens is that I do not make random donation but instead, I will channel my funds to either sponsoring children in less fortunate places and to make a year end Christmas donation. My adopted charity is the World Vision and on an annual basis near to Christmas, I will receive this brochure for a one time donation. Such gifts are really special and interesting. A couple of examples that you can donate (cost in brackets):

- Blanket to be send to Myanmar ($12)
- Goat or sheep for orphans in Ethiopia ($94/$155)
- 2 peach trees + 3 apple trees for the people in Lesotho ($11)

At different price ranges, you can donate what you can afford. A little goes a long way and to be absolutely honestly, the extra $50 more a month is not even going to be pinching you but it helps to build a community behind the beautiful faces of the under-privileged children.

Do what you can. Simply click on the World Vision banner on your right.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Ever since I started to indulge in the better things in life, my passion has revolved around cars and girly stuffs like bags and shoes. The ownership of a car took me away from the more feminine side over the past few years. As much as the petrolhead in me continues to live, part of my self fulfillment now lies in the purchasing of bags and shoes.

When it comes to bags, I tend to be a tad more conservative because my taste in bags tend to be a little exquisite. To counter the problem, my investments never tailed too far from classic and "amortisable" purchases. The rational mind will have their conversations and logic always prevail. It can be seen from my daily recycling habits of my bags. At some point in time, I would love to have a slightly more varied wardrobe of bags but before that day arrives, I will stick to my staples.

What retail therapy means to me apart from doing insane online shopping on Victoria's Secret and ASOS, would be my regular visits to Alegra. Alegra is jointly run by 2 ladies with incredible taste for shoes. At times they do some nice knockoffs which are slight variations from the runway. The designs are more practical and definitely wearable. If comfort is one of your worries, you can rest assured that although I indulged in killer heels and I do admit that they are not the most comfortable creatures in the world, the shoes that Alegra carries is definitely more comfortable than other shoes in the same price range. Over the past few months, I have bought more than enough shoes than what the excuse "I need this shoe to match this dress" can justify. On a day to day basis, I switch between about 10 pairs of shoes left in the office for convenience sake. The stamp card that Alegra gave me is now almost full and that means I can buy another 3 pairs at 20% discount. But according to Blue Potato, I do not need or should not need to buy any more shoes until the end of the this year. I don't disagree but I have to really peel myself away from Alegra whenever I walk past. Thankfully, the stuffs that really appeal to me are not normally on display. The best items are always hidden and tucked away in the store. Apart from Alegra, I have always bought countless pairs from Vincci whenever we have a drive trip to Malaysia.

Recently, Ferragamo was having this delicious sale but I have successfully convinced myself that the money could be spent more wisely. Considering that I have found a new "target", I should not just squander the littler-er money away and make myself feel miserable when I can't afford the more big ticket item.

Talking about big ticket, my teeth needs some fixing and I will have to decide in a week's time if I want to complete the project which I've always wanted to embark on.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Adventures of The Misadventures

Getting my wallet nicked at Platinum Mall wasn't the most pleasant experience. It was a girls' trip together with 7 others from the office. Great food and endless shopping marked most of the trip. However, just several hours into the shopping, I ran out of all money and it wasn't because I spent it all. Having seen the others in despair and reporting their losses, it was a funny sense of relief that I wasn't the only one. The floods in the country have brought the poor up into the city seeking money and definitely not the most of the legal ways. Fortunately for me, I have got friends who could financially help my through the rest of the shopping frenzy and someone at home who efficiently assisted me with cancelling the cards. The trip to the local police station was at adventure in itself. While trying my best to be understood so as to get my statement taken, I was wondering if I'm ever gonna get the massage that I was anticipating.

The trip ended with much regrets, not having the foods I was craving for and insufficient shopping that I had hoped I completed. It was still a trip I will always remember not because of the misadventure, but the company that kept me going. So looking forward to the next one. This time, I'll strap the money close to me with masking tape.