Sunday, October 14, 2012

Recipe: French Toast

This is a simple and basic recipe which I believe many of you either know or can find it on other websites. But I made a batch today which I thought, they are good enough to share.


3-4 slices of fresh bread (Cut into quarters)

2 eggs

A teaspoon of brown sugar (Better with cinnamon sugar though)

A dash of salt

Milk (estimating about 2 teaspoons?)



Beat up the eggs with the sugar, milk, salt and some melted butter. Dip the bread into the eggs and leave it for a couple of seconds to soak up the mixture. Using medium heat on the frying pan, lay the bread on the pan until they turn golden brown. Simple as that. Do control the fire as the mixture contains sugar and butter so it burns easily.


Serve with some clotted cream aka Devonshire cream and some nice hot Earl Grey and you have your perfect, easy afternoon tea within 5 mins. Kids love them too!


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