Saturday, April 28, 2007

My First Vaio

Got my aesthetically pleasing laptop but then again, it could have looked better if my pockets were deeper. All in all, i'm happy because it will serve me just fine since i'll be shuttling between my own place and my second home.

On an entirely different note, Tiger will be having his sex change operation next week and he will be a she by next week. Guess the hormornes injections will eradicate my worries on how he's going to pee with the habitual leg lifting pee posture.

Went for the Estee Lauder private sale just now and bought myself a ton of stuffs and hopefully, not junk. The crowd is insane and i spent more than an hour try to get to the end of the queue and another hour squeezing through the crowd inside. The best buy for today would be a travel size brush set. Been to countless of these sale and could never get my hands on some brushes. this is the first and the best. I couldn't bring myself to walk anymore because i was beginning to amass things i don't need and i don't want that to happen. I'm becoming Estee Lauder's sale expert... Haha!

Blood Red's manicure shop is opening today. Those of you interested for a self-pampering session, head for The Nail Loom Block 218 Bedok interchange. nice quaint outlet and i'm sure you'll go off with gorgeous nails.

Went to Mustafa last night with Monkey and Zhao Cai Mao to get Blood Red's gift. It was tiring to be lugging that huge box but all in all, it was fun to be able to do something for your best friend i guess.

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