Monday, October 22, 2007


A video clip on one of out wakeboarding session. This clip shows the first ride which wasn't the better ride but as you can see, everyone in the group is improving at a tremendous speed. Thanks to CharmmyKitte for doing the video up.

For the whole day, I've been sniffing and sneezing. My nose was ultra runny and it feels like there's an endless supply of eggs in my body and they happen to break one after another and the white part will just come flowing down without being able to control it at all. My bins are filled to the brim with used tissues and I blew my nose so hard, my ears are blocked and I'm constantly high from the antihistamines I take. The excessive nose blowing is causing my nose to peel. Now, I look just like Rudolph. The rest of the face looks like it's dead and hiding the excrutiating pain from the "puah puay".

Been playing Texas Hold'Em on Facebook with bster and was telling him how sad our lives are and he had to rub it in and left me all alone there while he went to catch "House". Actually, it's kinda fun had I not been this high from Atarax (Hydroxyzine) and at 10ish, I'm already drowsy and all ready for bed.

The monsoon is here again and it's just pouring out there, day in day out. Makes a sick girl like me just wanna stay in bed. Getting cold... Perfect for snuggling.

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