No healthcare system is perfect. First day back at work, we were more interested in chatting about healthcare systems than call the candidates. It was hilarious talking about the vast difference between the US and UK healthcare systems but when I looked back, we have NO system. Well, pretty much. Essentially, we're all saving up to pay for our own healthcare needs in future so if you were to get really sick now, your pocket is going to bleed to death slowly but surely. There's some truth in the things some of the coffeeshop uncles say, "You can die but you can't afford to get sick".
It's about time that I drop by HMV to pick up Sicko by Michael Moore. A film that takes a piss at the American healthcare system. I was sick there and I know it's not cheap to be ill there. Although a trip to Duane Reade can be so fun for me. It's like walking into Victoria's Secret for prescribed drugs. Looking at how worried Dodo in NYC was when he couldn't find his insurance card, it really got me thinking on how well they are being covered. Apparently in Sicko, they showed how "filthy" rich the Republicans actually are as they cash in on the insurance company lobbyists. Doctors should never be put in a situation whereby there's such strong conflict of interest. In the UK, these are barely issues because they don't pay for anything and doctors are purely only concerned with giving you the best treatment.
It's sad that here in Singapore, our laws don't quite protect us from the mean insurance companies. Let me pick up Sicko and I'll fill you in with more grossly details.
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