Friday, March 28, 2008


Since my first day of work, I've never been like a salesman running round town, almost like a mad dog. And weirdly, all my clients have to suggest this one eventful day. Now, I'm beat! That only means that if I'm not going back to office over this weekend, I will probably have a crazy week ahead trying to tie loose ends. I used to think that by keeping myself busy will help take my mind of things but during the past week, I found out that if some things is that much of a bug, no matter what you're doing, it will haunt you!

A funny anecdote today. - I was in the cab on my way to SGX Centre 2. The cabby replied, block 2?" Well I thought given the local cabbies' pidgin English, probably right. As he drove down Tanjong Pagar and when I saw Cantonment Police HQ, I knew something was wrong. The building that I was heading is getting further from me... Then it hit me... He was driving me to SGH Block 2! Puh leese... I was too tired to argue with him and I started texting Urban Legend Wifey to tell her of yet another misadventure of the day. I can't tell you how grateful I am that she's not sick of my excessive smses yet.

For a few weeks from now, I'll be eating, sleeping and breathing P&I Clubs. Hopefully by the end of the day, it wouldn't be wasted research.

Too tired... Starting to peel... Ewww... Time for bed... Waking up in a few hours to send Prince back to Lampung... Feel like having my Horlicks Ice Cream with Gummi Bears and Shortbread... Incoherent... Zzzzz...

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