Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Same Shit Different Day, Clear Conscience Everyday

It's amazing how some people shed their mask after the relationship wears out. I wonder how can some people change from angels to monsters and do things of depth we can never as normal human being fathom no matter how driven one can get by jealousy. Time in a relationship is supposed to give it depth and value, not hatred and pain. Some resulting actions are a direct or indirect cause of their very own voluntary action. Why do these people not get it?

Life is too short for us to go in circles and waste precious time. For every minute that you're spending away creating more pain, it creates a ripple effect of endless circles of people concerned and involved in the problem in itself. Why don't these people see that by moving on, everyone will be happier? I do agree that emotions are not pencil marks and can't be easily erased but to scar someone else to make yourself feel better is never ever going to work because you know it in yourself that this is not going to make you feel any better. Once you've ruined someone else's future, your conscience will one day pay for it. Nothing beats living life with a clear conscience and only by doing so, we can bring a genuine smile to continue the next step in life. At least I know when I see my kids playing by the playground in 10 years time, that is not a result of me ruining the life of someone I once loved. Why make the life of someone else miserable when you are destroying your own in the process? We're not young anymore and it's weird to say this to someone much older than myself but c'mon, it's time to grow up.

Be it a grass-cutter or toilet-cleaner, once a friend always a friend. If you have got what it takes, you don't need the world to determine what you are or who you are, you are what you are. And you know very well, you can take on the world. Do not let small setbacks upset you. Life is a long journey ahead and we always have to gear ourselves for a better tomorrow. Keep your conscience clear and your life will be happier than the stone that created the ripple.

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