Thursday, July 31, 2008

A NEW Comment on a November 2007 Article

Before I embark on my next posts on my Track Day today, let me just clarify something. I received a comment today on a post dated November in 2007. Please click HERE for a good read. To give people who are going to read this article with a short forenote:

- This article was written in November 2007. I have since moved on from wanting to buy a bimmer to actually having bought a Volkswagen. They are still German but for totally different reasons.

- If I have not made it clear enough, it wasn't the blue, white and black logo that attracted me but it was the sheer handling of the car. BMWs being RWD with 50-50 weight distribution and having built award winning 4 and 6 potters, the engines are gems from years of R&D. Read the article again, I did NOT say Rex = Beng and Bimmers not. I said Rex does have a beng image/factor which is objectively objective. Ask any tom, dick, harry on the street...

- As for your newly rich, crass over class and your interpretation of HDB, you're merely looking down on people living in HDB flats and think that they are crass. Mind you, I grew up with proper upbringing and education, crass is last on the list. The fact that you actually said what you did, you do know crass to a great extent. Go ahead and dwell in your own tiny world.

- Association of BMWs owners and snobs? Read my article carefully. There are STILL people out there and I HAVE personally met and spoken to these people. It may be in the 70s and 80s but these people aren't dead yet! So poor people like you walk to Orchard. Congratulations on your wealth that you can flaunt off and call yourself poor. You obviously have not worked a single day in your life to know how hard it is to earn your own keeps and be able to afford your own ride. I may not drive a very fancy car but I have pride and I'm glad to say I earned every cent of it myself. Of course, I'm not poor enough to pay the whole sum and I'm effectively 100k in debt, paying the bank off in installments for the next 10 years.

Now I have no mood to talk about my Track Day. Have the guts to leave your name if you have the intentions to leave such sarcastic remarks. Wuss!

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