Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I Think & I Think... Too Much...

Mentally tired. A phrase overused by me but nonetheless, carries the meaning it was meant to. Thoughts bugged me although things may have taken a whole new meaning. I contradict myself all the time. I pressed on against what I dread to face. Standing alone, the determination that surrounds the doubts is unbelieveable. I'm amazed at myself.

Every step is taken with care. Should this be or not to be?

Following steps previously laid out only puts one in fear of making the same mistake or never emerging to see daylight. Not being able to carve out your own route, you will just be living under shadows. Abandoning the entire trail has never been a choice until the fatique sets in. Doubts still circles the air.

With clouds above one's head, you flout the basic rules. The need to feel deserved should be put back into place. The need to be appreciated lingers on.

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