Friday, December 05, 2008

Lovingly DIY-ed by Moody Penguin.

Patiently wrapped by the above mentioned.

One of the toughest part.

Smoothly wrapped...

Toughest piece on the car. Totally awesome.

Entirely changed how Kokoro looks...

Other amazing details...

Panel above glove box done up in dry CF as well.


There are many things in life we want and not need. To sticker the panels in my car is neither. I thought it would look good but wasn't too tempted to get anything done. It didn't matter if I had it or not but I'm telling you, this is one of the best gift ever! It takes alot of patience and it speaks words that one can't bring out of themselves or concern stuck behind the veil of the inability to display it. I'm thankful not because I now have CF trimmings but I know you care.


Anonymous said...

Nice Dry-CF panels!!
How I wish my other half can do it for me... if she can ever get over the split nails n dry-skin after!!

Anonymous said...

i want oso!!!!