Sunday, April 26, 2009

Here We Go Again...

In less than a year, for the second time, there's no need to wake up early for work. This time around, the situation is different and it wasn't quite voluntary but more circumstancial. The crash of the market during Q4 last year couldn't have been more untimely for me. All forms of business development have gone to waste and the relationships built up over the years need to be shelved aside. Funnily, the announcement came as a relief to me more than anything. Instead of living in constant worries, the confirmation served its purpose. A week away from saying bye to Penguin for months, this is oddly enough a piece of news to set his mind at ease before he takes off. To me, it matters to myself that I will not become the root of his worries while he's busy with work. The effect of the paradigm was a bag of totally mixed up emotions and sleepless nights. Considering to stay or to leave the industry altogether and how much of a paycut am I willing to take for stability. With prematured intentions to provide the best for my family in future, I wanted to do more in my prime. Again, my mind runs... and runs...

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