Was channel surfing and came across "Makansutra Raw" on Discovery Travel & Living. Needless to say, it is one of my favourite channels. Upon hearing a familiar accent, I stopped for a good 5 minutes because the host was introducing irresistible Royce chocolates.
And you may have guessed it, the host was not other than Seetoh. I have no issues with the accent but this chap, being the foodie that he's supposed to be, showed no respect for food. He gobbled down any and every dish that was in front of him. To be fair, it might be required of him to display some form of desperation for good food. But please, given that you're a travel/food channel host, can you please eat with your mouth closed? The crude and unsightly chewing definitely put me off from anything that he introduced. They certainly do not look more appealing (or even vaguely appealing) after his introduction and on the contrary, he could have easily killed your lunch or dinner if you have tried to watch him during your meal times.
If Makansutra is of any relation to good food, this guy must be the one hit failed actor from a very bad porn movie who no one will want to remember. There is no reason how he could host the show apart from being the person who founded Makansutra. I am utterly disgusted.
Have I ever mentioned his cameo appearance in Anthony Bourdain's trip to Singapore? If not, let me put this in record that the places that he brought Tony did not properly introduce what Singaporean food actually is. Very ironically, Seetoh brought him to some of the places that locals will never go. This is not a good reflection of how Singapore is like to the g'zillion other foreign viewers that get to watch the show in the comfort of their couch wondering what a horrible food Singaporeans can dish out.
By any chance if he gets to read this post, my advice to him is to get a decent wardrobe if you decide to appear in front of a TV show (especially as a host!), potentially to the rest of the world, please wear something decent or at least, TV worthy. The money that they pay you, include having you looking good but of course I understand that it's not easy for you. Please don't let me hate my favourite channel.
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