Sunday, June 20, 2010

Girls' Weekend

Simple snacks with the right company made late Friday night easy to pass. Lonely weekends are far from over but comforting chats made time shorter. The cherry on the icing was an entire Saturday full of laughter. Massive amounts of food and loads of harmless gambling led to a group of World Cup widows screaming "what are the chances?" The unbelievable odds reflects very much on life. When you think it's close to impossibility, the unexpected falls upon. The only flaw preventing the perfect day out was the bad throat and sniffly nose. Sunday became a day of miserable self nursing and pure hope of recovery. There's so much I'd want to say, writing it the way I would normally do. But my cloudy mind is not allowing it. Proofreading becomes a chore. Tomorrow should be better. Good night.

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