Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Xiao Bai

Finally, "Xiao Bai" aka "Bunny" is here. I took it for a ride and you can really feel the turbo when the little meek looking car surged forward, it almost felt like someone installed rockets at the back of the car, pushing the car forward with the combustion. Yeah talking about combustion, it's probably not the most fuel efficient car around. Nonetheless, it's a good and fun drive. Well, "Monkey" and "CT" would find it hard to believe when i made a sharp turn of more than 90 degrees at a speed sedning your hair flying, technically in excess of 100km/h, it didn't prove to be so fun to them after all. But guys, trust me, i had my eyes opened all the time, i knew we're going to be safe and we could all feel the grip of the car alright? But when CT said, "Don't ever do that again... Well unless I'm drunk". That, freaked me out! I'll never be indecisive on the road again, although i drive like a bloody man.

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